Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
Katy Perry's win in the battle against Taylor Swift in Forbess top-paid women in the music industry could be arouse those who love low-grade pop mutton. The real intrigue lies within Forbes' top 10 in which a potential challenger might be located. Helene Fisker has been ranked No.8 barely below Rihanna. Fisker is in front of Celine Dion, Britney Spears, and Britney. Who? It is a fact, a German-Russian super-star who keeps her mouth shut to keep the appeal of an ordinary woman. In all of her interviews, she only mentions that she loves artisanal butter. Her lover, was a German TV star was also shocked to find her face tattooed across his arm. Fischer 34's biographically bland biography states that she is a prominent member of Germanys Schlager the music industry. The sound is split into two distinct modes. One is a type of bierhalle bop that oompahs throughout the booze-loving era and the Bundesrepublik. Fischer is its opposite one: the loyal wife who's breath stops and her heart beats as she thinks of her husband playing his vulnerability as a woman by the police to stimulate protective instincts. Schlager has embraced its iconic themes to fight the vulgar western music that has swept into Germany following WWII. Infinite Schlager television specials, Fischer showcases them at Christmas time. It's a revue of all-stars that make Jools Annual Hootenanny resemble Channel 4s clubs X. Schlager's down-home roots make it country music's spiritual cousin. Fischer gives the genre with a slick, aggressive synth-pop style in line with her German Taylor Swift. Swifts advancement in pop music brought her to the forefront of fashionable. It is impossible to overstate the absence of critical love for Fischers worst songs.
Claudia Wells, an American actor, was born and born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. She has since moved to San Francisco CA. Wells gained fame due to her performance in the film Back to the Future (1985) in the role of Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's lover. Wells played a part in Stop the Madness, a music video that warned against the use of drugs, which was produced by the Reagan Administration that featured well-known actors, musicians and sports stars. In the following year, she was a part in the feature film Babies Having Babies. And she was the main character in Fast Times a television adaption of 1982's Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Claudia was an actress who's career was on an upward trajectory to the heights of an actress for a few years but took a vacation when she discovered that her mother was suffering from cancer. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia's work in the entertainment industry is not over. Although she has accumulated more than 50 credits, including theater and film performances, she is of the opinion that she will still have an extensive amount of work to do. That includes finding raunchy characters that go beyond conventional roles. Claudia Wells is a prestigious retail store for men's clothes called Armani Wells. You can learn more about the company by visiting the site

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